On the morning of 9/11...

On the morning of 9/11/2001, I was in my basement office, just programming and content. 

My life was very solitary at that point in time. 

I owned five rental units in three separate homes. 

I had bought and renovated all of them in the period from 1998 to early 2000.  They were all within 50' of one another. Ironically, they were also all within 50' of a home Jenna Bush would come to own, and one was only 15' away, but we never formally met. 

I had gone self employed on April 16, 2000, 17 months prior. I was free of the corporate yoke due to an individual health insurance policy with no pre-existing conditions that might have bound me to another path for life in this very corrupt, Health Care and benefit driven, Work Camp called the US of A. 

By that point in time I had given up my partying ways , my tobacco habits, my caffeine intake and the standard American diet. 

I was meditating a few hours a day enjoying a natural nip morning, noon and night. I had given up on the group stuff. I was reading for my food, and programming to pass the time and tickle my mind. My TV never saw any air time.  I was not in a personal relationship, and I was happy for the first time in my life.

I enjoyed walks to local restaurants and around town. I went for 10 to 20 mile bike rides to scope out neighborhoods from an investment and home ownership perspective. That's how I came to know much of Baltimore so well.  I took trips to Blacksburg Virginia for weeks on end for business, and that was my life. 

It was simple and enjoyable with commercial opportunities that those who didn't work in real estate or tech during that time will never be able to truly understand or appreciate. 

The real estate market was rising, and the internet was coming to life.  

What an amazingly grand time to be in small business or most business for that matter.

Those of us who were taking commercial chances and exploring commercial opportunities were neck deep in a world of fast paced business splendor.

Then my Mom called on the morning of 9/11. 

Knowing I didn't watch TV, she asked if I knew what was going on. I said no. She instructed me to turn on the TV.  The first tower was in flames and the reporting was odd and all over the map. If I can recall, it was about 15 minutes later when "i saw" the second plane hit the second building.  I spent the rest of the day watching "the official story" play out in a very surreal fog I don't recall much about. 

Can you imagine my surprise when I discovered I had spent a day in Hawaii just two years prior driving a group of flight attendants around in a topless jeep, one of whom was working the Boston Flight with her male Flight Attendant Partner ?

Yes. We spent a day together just two years prior, and if I recall that relationship was just beautifully blossoming around that time.

As an engineer, nothing made any sense. 

What I was seeing didn't make any sense. Structurally. It was illogical.  Mechanically, it was illogical. Technologically, it was illogical.  From an Air Defense perspective, it was illogical. And to all bookmakers, the level of "success" achieved by the "perpetrators" was statistically impossible.

With perfection being based on a a chain of events that defied all odds, I can only recall sharing my thoughts on the "perfection" of that day one time in the first few years after 911. 

That sharing didn't go well. While the person I shared my thoughts with was an engineer, he was vested over his eyeballs in the Defense Industry, and that seemed to prevent him from using his own senses, his own common sense, and his own education to assess the odds that were in play that day. 

I didn't circle back to a serious study of 911 until late 2015 and a run in with a nasty Tinkler that got my attention.

It was in that year, 2015, when I had a run in with a Tinkler who had become a Bank of America Attorney -- and that's when I began to question everything about my world.

It's the origins of Tinkers and Tinklers that most are oblivious too, because 1175 was a long time ago.

With an open mind, a willingness to go wherever the facts went, and a newly broken heart by the Pen a Tinkler, it was Youtube who became my new friend. 

With Youtube, it only took a matter of minutes to identify a few key pieces of the 911 global fraud that were left dangling in the wind, as is often the case when Tinkler inspired types without enough training to try to do a big deed take one on.

With a little time, it wasn't overly difficult to come to my own conclusions about what actually happened that day. 

It took a little longer to identify some of the key players, and although a few people will likely remain a mystery, many are no longer that. 

The hardest part by far was accepting the idea that American Citizens and Government Officials at the top of our food chain along with dozens, hundreds, and maybe even thousands of others from around the world were in on the most complex military strike of our time, with a level of media support and governmental cover-up that is still bone chilling to this day.

Gloria Steinem got it right.  "The Truth will set you free, But first it will piss you off".

Everything about our world today is on a trajectory that was set by the events of that very day. 

AND, if we are to change course as a community, regressing back to the events of that day for a little truth is the first pivot point we need to revisit collectively. With such a journey, we can aggregate the attention necessary to "adjust course" with better understanding. 

With a heavy heart, a mountain of hope and a sea of change, I share a few things below to help those of you still lagging behind -- so you too can keep up with the times and join the rest of us in a course correction who's time has now come.

There was ONE honest reporter that day...


CNN Pentagon Reporter Jamie McIntyre was one of first to report on Pentagon. He describes the hole and indicates no plane debris at all.

I saw this clip on CNN when it aired. The next day I expected to hear more details about the totally absent plane debris.   This was never aired again. It became impossible to find online.  

I found this again on twitter on 7/3/2022, 21 years later.


The following groups and individuals will be introduced below:

And this is just a small collection of the groups and people that already know this story is not remotely as it seems. 


Which side do you fall on?

Do you align with the Main Stream Media (narrative), supported by a very strange government which is being fully funded behind the scenes by insurance companies, bankers,  pharmaceutical companies, defense contractors, Big Oil, Big Ag, Big Commerce and multi-national conglomerates, with commercial goals ranging from never ending disease and  war to hyper capitalism with debt slaves and captured governments around the world?  


Have you taken the small time required to challenge some core beliefs that enable you to easily see we've been had by a Small, but very creative Band of Pirates? (And it's now time to remove the blinders and turn the tables).


Have you ever heard of Major General Albert Stubblebine


Albert Stubblebine is a West Pointer, class of 1952. 

Albert is the most senior ranking Military Officer to publicly challenge the Main Stream Media and the Government's story about  9/11.  

Lucky for us, Albert left us a wonderful time capsule before he dropped his body suite in 2017. 

In this 20 minute video above, Albert takes you through a bunch of "dots" that he used to overcome his desire to believe what he was being told and shown. 

If you follow his path of dots, maybe you too can gain a perspective that might have previously been just outside of your reach. 

Good Documentary with Engineers and Scientists here...

The videos of building 7 falling next to comparable size building that came down during controlled demolition is "the smoking gun" as one person put it. 


Recovery is a THREE STEP PROCESS...

1) You should review enough basic facts from several angles until you can no longer accept the Main Stream Media's Presentation of "facts". Albert told you what he looked at. He's provided a great path to follow

2) You should try to get a gist of what really happened that day, understanding some pieces are fairly well known by all who have used their own eyes and mind for analysis. Albert alluded to some of that too. Follow his lead.

3) Then, you should try to wrestle with the Elephants in the room. Who on earth planned and executed all of this, why did they do it and what benefits did they reap? Unfortunately,  this thing was so layered with groups and benefits, it's hard to tell where one groups work and benefits ended and another's began, but you can get some good insight without a lot of digging if you are open to some simple facts.


FOUR planes were hijacked. 

TWO "planes" hit two World Trade Center Towers. The impacts at the top caused them to fall to the ground a few hours later in an amazingly perfect, and structurally bizarro fashion which defied all laws of physics and natural demolition. 

ONE "plane" hit the Pentagon. A fire burned, and a very odd hole was born. One  hole that should have been two is a strange give away, and this is where Stubblebine started... 

ONE "plane" crashed in field in Pennsylvania after the passengers interfered with the hijacking process or so we are told. This plane was supposedly heading to Washington DC too.  It went into the ground at 90 degrees, although that doesn't remotely match the black box or any other commercial plane crashes, but who cares about those details, right?

ZERO "planes" hit World Trade Center Building 7.  After a small fire on some upper floors, and several hours after the other World Trade Center buildings fell, this building fell in a perfect way too. It seems World Trade Center Building 7 (and maybe the others), were actually part of a replay of Bruce Willis's classic, Die Hard, but that's getting to Step 3 a little out of order. 

If you didn't know about Building 7 until I just mentioned it above, it means you didn't watch Stubblebine's video, and you need to go back to the top and start over again!!

We'll get into the Building 7 mystery more in a bit. First lets follow Stubblebine into the rabbit hole he used as a Military Intelligence expert to question everything.

Stubblebine's Hole and 5 Impacts (less 1)

As Stubblebine mentioned in his monologue, his first dot was related to the "Pentagon Hole". Let's put that in a little context, shall we?

Plane Impact #1

The image below is an image of the damage from the first impact. Let's assume this image is factual. Let's assume this is the damage a plane creates when it hits a concrete building. Many people don't believe this is what a plane impact would look like, but we don't need to question it at this point. Let's just take this for fact.

Plane Impact #2

If we use impact #1 as a baseline, and compare it to the impact of the second plane below, the two look similar enough.  The second plane seems to have been more on a angle when it hit.  With these two images together, we can presume this is what we should see when a plane hits a concrete building. 

Plane Impact #3

This is a picture of the Pentagon after the fact...

In this picture below, the damage to the Pentagon is in hazy blue, and lines have been projected showing where we should have seen that razor like damage from the wings...

And thanks to this FBI photo, we know the plane was above the ground as it missled its way through the concrete walls. And here is the hole or a version there of that caused Stubblebine to question everything...

As Stubblebine alluded to, the engines on a plane are by far the densest part of a plane. Titanium and stainless steel as I recall he said...

If this hole was made by an engine, the only part of the plane that makes enough sense to have caused such a hole, there should have been two of them, but there wasn't...

Plane Impact #4 (and Laywers for 9/11 Truth)

The fourth plane went down in a field in Pennsylvania. 

From the link below the image:

9/11 Blogger.com site quotes several first responders at the alleged crash scene, including, Assistant Fire Chief, Rick King who drove the first fire truck to the site. 

His response was, “Where are the people?  There was no fuselage, no wings, only a smoking crater and charred earth”.  

Other witnesses echoed the same saying, there weren’t any suitcases,  plane parts, or body parts.” 

Here is a helicopter view of the crash site. 

This video has a link to the Lawyers Committee for 911 inquiry.  

For more on that group, please see:  http://lcfor911.org 

(NON) Plane Impact #5 (and Archtects and Engeers for 9/11 Truth)

The startling part about the non-plane impact on building 5 is the nearly identical way in which building 5 fell as compared to those that were impacted. It seems planes or no planes, those buildings must have been designed from the get go for a nearly perfect demolition,  with or without demolition experts!?! 

There is a global coalition of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth who know something is (sadistically) silly about all of this too. 

For more on that group: https://www.ae911truth.org/ 

But lets stay with Stubblebine's focus on the Pentagon for just a little longer yes?

For those seeking an AUTHORITY FIGURE for their PENTAGON related facts, I present to you COMMERCIAL AIRLINE PILOT, RUSS WITTENBERG and PILOTS FOR 9/11 TRUTH...

Below is an interview with Commercial Airline Pilot Russ Wittenberg. Russ actually flew some of the planes that disappeared on 9/11 (before they disappeared, of course).


About 9 minutes in he talks about the marks on the Pentagon.  

Before that, Russ talks about a plethora of problems with the idea that a plane could have flown that low, at that speed and made the moves made prior to impact. His comments on the ground turbulence are interesting too. 

My goodness, I wonder why the main stream media never interviewed this Professional either?

For more on a global group of aviation professionals who know the Media's Story and the Government's Story to be false, please see http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ 

Nasty and Simple Facts...


12/21/2019 - I may add some more to this page, but for now, this conveys the gist.  I'm going to shift to the "what happened" page now for a summary of what is known and what is not known...