4 planes disappeared

4 planes disappeared on 9/11.

To my research recollection, all of them turned around in a dead airspace not covered by commercial radar so we have ZERO proof any of the planes that returned on radar were in fact the ones that took off that day from respective airports.

The turn arounds transpired between full commercial radar coverage.

It's hard to imagine we actually have gaps in radar coverage militarily, but that has never been offered up or presented to fill in the blanks.

I do not believe any planes that were tracked on radar back to their final destinations were in fact the original planes.

If they were planes at all, they were subbed out for military grade, remote control aircraft.

If there were planes at all, they flew over the targets, not into them (supported by Pilots for Truth info too).

I have read various reports on what may have happened to the original planes, passengers and pilots.

The don't believe any of the passengers or pilots actually died where we've thought to have passed away.

There's not a single drop of DNA evidence that supports even a single passenger body at the pentagon, yet DNA was used to identify those in the building who were killed? Interesting stuff huh?.

I'm not sold on any of the given theories of what actually happened to those planes, but several become easily plausible once one decides the Media and Government Story is fully false and once one realizes a new type of directed energy weapon existed as part of this act.

CNN Pentagon Reporter Jamie McIntyre was one of first to report on Pentagon. He describes the hole and indicates no plane debris at all.

I saw this clip on CNN when it aired. The next day I expected to hear more. The narrative entirely changed. This was never aired again. It became impossible to find online. I found this again on twitter on 7/3/2022, 21 years later.


Three Wired Buildings and Two Missles

I personally do NOT believe any planes hit any of the four known accident sites. I could be talked into the idea that two remote controlled military aircraft were flown into the two World Trade Center towers to create the illusion, but I believe that is even a stretch. IF there were planes at all in the vacinity that were tracked there, I believe they flew over while the bombs and or missles went to work.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of eyewitness accounts that talk about explosions and actually shockingly few that talk about seeing any planes. We all saw them on TV so that's why everyone believes they were there...

If you can, find a video on youtube where someone has graphically removed the aircraft from the clips you are used to seeing... thus, the building is there one minute and it's exploding the next. That video will help you realize it looks equally natural to have exploded with no plane...

I believe World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7 were wired for demolition over a period of months prior to the event. All aspects of their fall support this controlled demolition theory and there is a crap ton of evidence related to the people involved that indicate the same. The fact that George Bush's brother became the security contractor for the two towers months prior is "odd" to say the least. There was also a change in protocols months prior that was odd. Groups who were given unusual access to the building months before the accident have been identified. The statement by the building owner about the decision to "pull" is laughable. As if he and some demolition crew could have wired a building for demo in a matter of hours is farcical. I have a friend who was a military demolitions expert at that time. Days after 9/11 investigators showed up at his home to test for bomb making residue and to ask him questions.

I believe the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania field were hit with missles. Anyone looking at these two sites with an open mind can come to the same conclusion easily. Although the Pennsylvania field must have been prepped for it somehow, given the nice wing marks. The only problem is they forgot to account for clear and definitive craters for the engines. Most researchers comfortable with this idea feel the missiles were in fact launched from Camp David. Several reports from the Fredrick Maryland area that day support this supposition.

Directed Energy Weapon with a slightly Radioactive Component part of the Controlled Demolition (& Dr. Judy Wood, Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineer)

The two main towers and Building 7 came down via controlled demolition. Thermite or comparble was used to shear the columns on 45 degree angles prior to the full order to demolish. That was the burning smoke on each floor. This would be required for a controlled fall.

However, without a doubt, some type of directed energy system or directed energy weapon we have not seen used publicly before was used to "dustify" the steel and concrete as it fell.

Seemingly in the basement or at the base of the buildings one or multiple devices with the ability to point up in an ice cream cone fashion was used during the fall to dissociated molecules of material and turn both steel and concrete into dust nearly instantly.

This is where Virginia Tech Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering Professor Judy Wood put all her attention and she has it pretty well described. ( http://www.drjudywood.com/wp/dr-judy-wood-biography/ )

As a Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineer from 1988-1993, I spent a few semesters in the Materials building as part of my curriculum. I can tell you that Virginia Tech had one of the better Materials Engineering Programs in the country when I was there. No slouches were allowed there. Interestingly enough, Judy got her PhD there in 1992, which was the year I would have graduated had I not cooped. So we were there at the same time, but I did not know her and we never met.

Media with a pre-planned story and prepared Videos...

Within 45 minutes of the first strike, or maybe it was the second, the media knew who did it.

During a time of shock, the mind leaves an alpha and beta brain wave state and goes into delta or even theta. In that state it is very programmable, and everyone in TV and the media knows that.

One of the key folks to be interviewed right out of the gates was an Isreali intelligence person. Find that news video and watch it. Ask yourself, how did he figure it all out so fast???

The BBC has some very interesting coverage from that day.

If I recall, Scott Pelley did a blurb on the Pentagon that day that made sense. That clip disappeared from the news within 24 hours and never resurfaced. Scott would know what I'm talking about...


Gold (Trading) and Financial Records

Much of the attacks affected items related to Gold.

The impact site of the two planes on the two larger towers was a floor or few below the only two floors in those buildings related to gold records and a gold exchange (or something close to that).

The basement of one of the towers and/or building 7 is also believed to have housed gold (so in that sense, Die Hard the movie was playing in an altered form in front of everyone's eyes).

There were some large, gold related contracts expiring or due within days of 9/11.

I believe you'll find most of the 33 navy folks who were killed at the Pentagon where in fact part of a group investigating financial fraud.

From an International Banking Perspective and a global war among International Bankers and their peers (or folks who had wiggled their way into the game) this was likely the first and largest impetus for the event.

False Flag to pump Trillions into the For Profit War Machine

A benefit and possibly a joint impetus, it's quite clear this was a multi Billion if not Trillion dollar play by those involved in Defense Contracting. A classic case of problem reaction solution. The head of one of the largest defense contractors on the planet who had been trying to start wars with brown people for decades had become Vice President of the Country just 8 months prior.

Insurance Fraud - Asbestos Building..

A benefit not an impetus, it's quite clear there was insurance fraud in play. They guy bought buildings for a song just before the event and he added terroist coverage. He bougt trash and got paid billions. He's on camera talking about "pulling" building 7. The one most ppl don't know came down? C'mon... how sleepy was everyone, but more importantly how did they know they wouldn't wake?

Key Players

Dick Cheney's company was one of the largest short term and longer term benefactors of the event. Dick Cheney's behavior and location on the day of the events is interesting.

The US Expelled groups of Mossad related individuals shortly after the attacks. Why?

The Bin Ladens were quickly escorted out of the country on the day of the attacks (not sure they were in on it at all, just protected by those who like them and knew a member of their family had been chosen as the patsy).

Sabbateans and Sabbatean Francos... an interesting idea indeed...